From 1.523 the number of hospitals that exist in Indonesia, there were only 43 percent of accredited hospitals. This means there is 57 percent or more than half of hospitals in Indonesia are not yet accredited.
This was conveyed by Minister of Health Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, MPH, DrPH Hearing in the event with 25 Winner Best Managers Loving Mother and Baby Hospital in Kemenkes Building, Jakarta, Tuesday (21/12/2010).
"This national accreditation. There are several reasons, one of which according to reports in the field is the high cost to bring to the local assessor, because the hospital does not have enough health workers such as medical specialists, or hospital itself is not active to improve its accreditation,"said Menkes.
"From 1.523 hospitals both public and private, there were only 602 or about 43 percent nationally accredited,"said Kuncoro Adikurjanto, Secretary General of the Directorate General of Medical Services Kemenkes.
To overcome this, Kemenkes continue to make efforts to promote, especially to improve and work on the assessment team.
"Our target for the next 2 years hospital in Indonesia can be largely accredited,"said Menkes.
Hospitals should give priority to patient safety, has a communicative services, has adequate technology.
Indonesia has 2 types of hospitals, the government hospitals and non-government hospitals or so-called private hospitals.
Hospitals including government hospitals are central hospitals, district, attorney, hospital law and human rights, and religious hospitals.
In Indonesia the number of non-governmental hospital more than government hospitals. The number of hospitals the government itself is only about less than 50 percent.
(Merry W.)
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