Saturday, January 15, 2011

Private Hospital Health Center & Palliative Care Must Have

(dok. detikcom)

Jakarta, palliative treatment so far only exist in cities and large hospitals only when the citizen is the nearest health care clinic. So that health centers and private hospitals should also have palliative care. 

Palliative care means to alleviate the suffering of the patient is already terminally ill and can not be cured such as cancer, AIDS, diabetes or organ failure. The goal for cancer patients to undergo her final days in a state of delight. 

Palliative care is an effective method in helping patients escape from misery, either persistent pain or other complaints. These conditions will help improve the quality of life of patients and their families. 

Since the year 1992-2010 there is a new palliative care services in 6 major capital of Jakarta, West Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali and South Sulawesi. 

Palliative care is available at most government hospitals such as RS Hasan Sadikin, RSCM, SSR Dharmais, Dr Soetomo, Sanglah Bali, Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo Dr Sardjito Makassar and Yogyakarta.

"Health Center or private hospitals where health care is most easily accessed by the public and palliative care should also have to be there," explained Dr. Maria Astheria Witjaksono, MPALLC (FU), Head of Unit of Palliative Dharmais Cancer Hospital, in Seminar on World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 2010 in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Jakarta, Thursday (28/10/2010).

According to Dr. Maria, when health workers are able to provide services peliatif own, then patients with incurable diseases do not need to be referred to a large hospital.
"We are very helpful when health workers at community health centers can provide palliative care. But the obstacles, many doctors are not interested in palliative care," said Dr Maria.
To achieve this goal, Prof. Dr. Dr. Angela Bibiana Maria Tulaar, SpKFR (K), Professor of Faculty of medicine, said there are community organizations Palliative Indonesia (MPI) in collaboration with Yayasan Kanker Indonesia (YKI) duty to disseminate information through seminars palliative such as doctors and other health personnel.
MPI is also preparing guidelines for starting a palliative care, both for the health centers, private hospitals and other health services.
"We hope there is a positive follow-up after the seminar for both health centers and private hospitals can provide palliative care," concludes Prof. Angela
(Merry W)



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