Thursday, April 28, 2011

Malaria Drug Resistance in Indonesia

  Malaria remains a public health problem in Indonesia. Resistance is a major problem in the treatment of malaria. In Indonesia the drug Chloroquine, sulfadoxine-Piremetamin, and Kina have been found resistant to both in-vitro or in in-vivo. Even Resistant III against Chloroquine has been found in 20 province. Mass treatment ever undertaken also aggravate the resistance to anti-malarial drug used. The factors that cause resistance to anti-malarial drugs are biological factors in the presence of gene mutations in pfmdr1 and pfcrt parasites, operational factors drug use, and transmission factors of malaria parasite itself, which resulted in cases of anti-malarial resistance become widespread. Reduction of resistance needs to be done by providing a more reliable health care, socialization to the community, and others which require the government's role as the competent authority so that the cause of the occurrence of resistance can be overcome .........



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