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Saturday, January 8, 2011
People call it Mike "Mad" Marcum. In 1995, he tried to make a time machine from the porch of his home in Missouri, United States. He gave the reason to make a time machine, that is to see the lottery numbers that will come out of the future.
In 1995, Marcum was only 21 years old and studying in the field of electricity. According to those who knew him, Marcum is known as an intelligent.
In an interview with Art Bell, host of the radio show Coast to Coast, Marcum said that he created a time machine with "Jacob's Ladder."
Jacob's ladder is an appliance that has two metal bars with a spark-electric spark between them. In old movies, the concept of Jacob's ladder can be seen as a means of creating a life for Frankenstein. And like Frankenstein, according to Marcum, great things happen when it runs Jacob's Ladder.
"Right on Jacob's Ladder, created a hot condition with a circle in the middle." Marcum said during an interview with Art Bell. "At first, I do not know exactly what is happening. Even to this day I'm still not sure."
According to Marcum, he then threw a screw into the circle.
"I do not know what was going on, so I tried to throw a screw into it and see what happens," he said to Bell. "After I threw it, I do not see the screws it again."
Screws were missing, said Marcum, then a few seconds later, reappear suddenly a few feet from where he stood.
Filled with curiosity, Marcum then decided to do something. He made Jacob's Ladder electromagnetic size of a man with 168 on the porch of his house. After Stairs Yakubnya finished, Marcum still have one problem. He needs a power source.
So, with a passionate obsession, he went to an electrical substation in St. Joseph and stole six transformers from there.
Sheriff Eugene Lupfer who know about it immediately toward Marcum's house and found all six transformers have been installed into its Jacob's Ladder. Before turning the equipment Marcum, Sheriff had handcuffed his hands and marched him to jail.
After serving a prison sentence for a while, Marcum was released. He then moved to an apartment in St. Joseph and began working on his time machine back. But then, the owner of the apartment away. According to The New York Times, he was expelled due to move a cat "as far as a block." I do not know what he meant.
In 1996, Marcum re-appeared on the radio show Coast to Coast. At that time he said that 30 days he can complete his time machine.
That was the last appearance. In January 1997, Marcum disappeared.
After the loss of Marcum, a man from Orange County to call Art Bell. He said that he remembered with a photograph of the newspaper edition several years ago that tells of a mysterious incident that occurred in the 1920s.
According to the newspaper, in the 1920s, police found the body of a man in a large tube that strange. Body of man is falling apart. Next to the body was discovered a strange equipment. The police was not able to identify the equipment or the identity of the corpse. The cause of death also can not be solved.
The man from Orange County was later recalled to the photo and he said that the equipment in addition to the dead body is similar to a cell phone.
Whether Marcum managed to travel across time to the past? Was the dead man was Marcum?
Unlike Andrew Carlssin who do tend to fictitious, the story of Mike Marcum is a true story. He is not a fantasy figure. Appearance on Coast to Coast is also real. He built a time machine is also real. Theft six transformernya too real. The only thing questionable is its success in making a time machine.
And maybe also Marcum did not disappear, maybe he decided to give up and worked as an electrician in Missouri. Or maybe he was trying to do the engine any other time. We do not know for sure.
I like the Marcum because he is a regular guy like us. When Prof. Ronald Mallet create a time machine to save his father, Marcum, simply and innocently said that he just wanted to know the lottery numbers that will come out. He did not try to become heroes by giving noble reason for his efforts.
So, I decided to continue writing the life story of Marcum's time regardless of whether the machine really works. Hopefully the story can be a little Marcum satisfy our fantasies about Time Travel.
Prof. Mallett create a time machine for one purpose. To visit his father who was dead. Love of his father this makes it determined to bend space and time. He calls it "The mission of a lifetime". "I think if I can make a time machine, then I can go back to the past and help my father's life." Mallett said. His father died when he was 10 years old.
Previously, Mallett was never told his plan to create a time machine to others. He does not want people to think of crazy. Although it seems impossible, he still believes that one day he will have ways to make it happen.
"It's very complicated, but not crazy", That is the opinion of some scientists who study the idea of Mallett. Albert Einstein once theorized that space and time are interconnected and gravity can bend the same time as he can bend space.
According to Mallett, he will create a round of gravity is strong enough to bend space and time. "If I bend space with sufficient force, then the time will be bent into a circle." He continued.
Circle time was such a passage of time. Mallett believes he can move forward and backward through the circle. And to form a corridor that time, he will use laser cross.
But this time the machine had one weakness. Even though this machine managed to work and prove the truth of the theory of Mallett, this machine can only bring someone back to the period since the machine is started. So if this machine is started on July 10, 2009, then the person will not be able to return to the time before that date. So, Mallett will never have a chance to visit his father who was dead. According to Mallett, at least this is an initial step.
Time machine or time travel alone to the still regarded as sheer fantasy. Especially with the theory of the "grandfather paradox". This theory says if you go back in time and kill your grandfather, then of course you will disappear from the world. Changing the time line is what is called paradox. Due to change the order of time, then the world will be divided into the billions of possibilities. It sounds impossible.
Moreover, some argue, if the time machine can indeed be created, should the world is already filled by the time traveler.
But a renowned astronomer Dr. David Whitehouse benama said that the world of science needs people like Mallett. "I do not think he's crazy. Perhaps the theory is wrong, maybe he's wrong. But it is not something to be ashamed of if we are wrong. Experiencing the error is the first step in the investigation of the universe"
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