Monday, January 3, 2011

Wow, International Standard Hospitals in Indonesia Just Two

Bandung, Ministry of Health declared until now there were only two hospitals in Indonesia, which already have international standard or have international accreditation, the Siloam Gleneagles Hospital Karawaci Banten and Santosa Bandung Hospital.
Met after attending the celebration of success Santosa Hospital Hospital Road Kebonjati No. 38 Bandung, Minister of Health (Minister), Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih states, accreditation of a hospital is not easy.
"Accreditation of hospitals is heavy, let alone to obtain international accreditation. The requirement for accreditation is enormous, but the government continues to push for hospital accreditation," said Endang.
He said the national accreditation to hospitals in Indonesia has reached 40.33 percent, while international accreditation new two hospitals only.
"The number of hospitals in Indonesia each year continues to increase in accordance with the performed pemekeran region. This year alone the number of hospitals increased by 153 units. Therefore, to ensure the quality of these hospitals, accreditation is needed," said Minister of Health.
According to him, entered the era of globalization and free market competition is needed to improve the quality in all areas, not least in the hospital service that is expected to meet the standards and global service quality that are recognized internationally.
To support the efforts TYahun 2009 on Hospitals, hospital quality improvement, said Minister of Health, the government has made policies as outlined in Law No. 44, Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 659 of 2009 concerning the World Class Hospital and Health Ministerial Decree No. 1195 in 2010 about the Institution Hospital Accreditation International Level.
"To support the efforts of hospital accreditation, the government also provides assistance for hospital costs that are not able to do accreditation and conduct training on procedures for accreditation," he said.
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